Democrats win House, promise new direction
POSTED: 6:05 p.m. EST, November 8, 2006(CNN) — Democrats promised Wednesday to lead the country in a new direction after winning control of the House for the first time in 12 years in midterm elections.
By early Wednesday, Democrats had picked up at least 29 seats; they needed 15 to capture a majority in the House. Two Democratic seats in Georgia that were targeted by Republicans remained too close to call.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-California, is now poised to become the first female speaker of the House.
Pelosi promised to lead the nation in a new direction “in partnership, not in partisanship.”
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Damn straight!…
..I’m sick and tired of “it’s all Bush’s fault” when democrats had the check book.
No one should forget the air time the major networks gave Pelosi, Reid and Schumer as they spent night after night hitting the air waves telling us how bad the economy was once they were in control of the congress and senate. They were at it relentlessly each night; and for one sole purpose. They wanted to wreck the economy the last two years Bush was in office so they could get their man in. At the time, unemployment was below 5%. The only problem on the horizon was the housing market. A problem the Democrats created. So tell me……..if the Democrats were telling us how bad it was; what did they do to fix the problem? Wouldn’t you expect your elected officials to come to the countries aid and pass laws that would avert a serious recession if they knew there was a problem? I would. But I don’t think like a slimy Democrat.
Democrats don’t give a damn about this country. They only have one purpose and that is to get re-elected; no matter what the cost to our country. They get re-elected by promising to give your money to someone who doesn’t deserve it.
They made us all dizzy with all the turning.
Today is a big win for democracy in Australia.
Ten minutes after being sworn as PM of Australia, Tony Abbott has given the order to have carbon tax repeal legislation drawn up immediately.
Also he instructed incoming treasurer Joe Hockey to “instruct the board of the Clean Energy Corporation to cease operations.”
It is also expected that the Climate Change Authority and the Climate Commission will be abolished.
Ecotards are not happy, especially the university professors that were busy dismantling the mining and building sector and saving the world from non existant climate catastrophe. Yet these ecofascist professors have some of the highest salaries in the world, they never refused or returned some of their the salary, that are high in a large part from the resources boom they tried to destroy. Poor old Flannery will have his ecohemp knickers in a twist. We can only hope the old Mann and his hockey stick gives him a job far away from Australia.
A big win for freedom. Congratulations!
Putin giving Obama a ride.
Raise the cost of something, such as adding taxes to cigarettes, or adding carbon taxes to engergy, and people buy less. Increase the cost of labor and businesses use less.
For some reason, they know that things like carbon taxes will reduce usage, yet they can’t comprehend that increasing the minimum wage or passing Obamacare increases the cost of having employees. And big surprise, companies make due with fewer employees, particularly those on the less capable end of the spectrum.
But they didn’t stop there. The EPA is running wild and higher taxes also have to covered. Those costs don’t just come out of the owner’s pockets, they are partially passed through to customers and partially covered through cutting other things, such as the number of employees.
Another thing happening is higher regulation helps larger established companies. It becomes harder to start a competing business, while large companies can hire all the lawyers and specialists it takes to comply with the laws. Which is why large companies are doing great. They just slashed costs, while regulations and inability to get loans keeps new companies from even starting up.
The absolute worst thing to do in a recession is to increase regulations and increase taxes, yet that’s exactly the “solution”.