Denver Post Tries To Bury The Colorado Recall

The Denver Post is doing everything they can today to bury the biggest story in the country today. Their lead story this morning is about a Denver Bronco’s traffic ticket. They did mention the recall in an editorial titled “Time to move on after the Colorado recall elections.

I agree. Lets move on and get rid of the governor too.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Denver Post Tries To Bury The Colorado Recall

  1. kbray in california says:

    …don’t forget the boy king…

    I woke up early today from a nightmare about “Obama Home Monitors” who had entered my home and were removing everything against the “rules”. They had dumped the acid out of 3 car batteries I use for backup power because “it is a dangerous substance and is not allowed”. I chased all six of them off the premises. Bizarre.

  2. Eric Barnes says:

    Looks like they finally put the results up. Expect they’ll be down soon.

  3. stewart pid says:

    Libtards love to bury their heads in the sand, ostrich like, when the things aren’t going their way!

  4. Ed says:

    Way to go Colorado!! OF course they tried to bury the news like a good State run media always does. Yes get rid of the Commie, worthless GOV also. Just do not run his ass up here in Wyoming. We have enough of the Fantasyland crowd in Whinedale and Jackass-son now. They need to move back to Cali, except guys like Harrison Ford who are actually in touch with reality some of the time.

  5. omanuel says:

    Congratulations, Colorado!

    The rest of the world is now awakening:

    Investigative reporters and whistle-blowers are being confirmed today as world opinions of the USA reverse.

    I wish it weren’t true but the USA has now replaced the USSR as the world’s most distrusted superpower.

    With deep regrets, Oliver K. Manuel Former NASA Principal Investigator for Apollo

    Sent from my iPhone

  6. minarchist says:

    Why would people vote against people who know what’s best for them?

  7. Don says:

    All the news fit to bury.

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