Disconnected Brains

NSIDC is upset that unusually cold Arctic weather sabotaged their ice forecasts

As a whole, air temperatures this summer have been below average over most of the central Arctic Ocean and Greenland, helping to slow down ice melting. Compared to the 1981 to 2010 average, air temperatures at the 925 hPa level have been -0.5 to -2.0 degrees Celsius (-0.9 to -3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) below average over central Greenland, north of Greenland and towards the pole, and over the Canadian Archipelago. Unusually low temperatures are also noted over the East Siberian Sea, where ice cover has remained near average throughout the summer.

Melt season ending

Meanwhile, Hansen is predicting 30ºC Arctic warming.

Our calculated global warming in this case is 16°C, with warming at the poles approximately 30°C. Calculated warming over land areas averages approximately 20°C.

“Our calculated global warming in this case is 16°C”

Romm calls Hansen “the country’s most prescient climatologist” because he is a complete lunatic who has paid no attention to actual temperature data for the past 15 years.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Disconnected Brains

  1. “Romm calls Hansen “the country’s most prescient climatologist” because he is a complete lunatic who has paid no attention to actual temperature data for the past 15 years.”

    Apart from corrupting it, of course…

  2. R. de Haan says:

    The NSIDC funding seems to be based on alarmism and AGW cheerleading instead of sound science.

  3. gator69 says:

    “Romm calls Hansen “the country’s most prescient climatologist” because he…”

    … would not be able to land or keep a job if he told the truth.

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Since none of the ‘global models’ currently take any account of heat going into the ‘deep ocean’ (© K Trenberth), Hansen’s model of doom is about as much junk as his 1988 junk temperature predictions.

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