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Discover Magazine Identifies The Roots Of Global Warming Hysteria
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Climategate was the first public exposure of deception designed in 1945 to hide experimental evidence neutron repulsion in cores of heavy atoms, stars and galaxies cause:
Fission, fragmentation, and neutron emission that becomes H-generation after n-decay.
To save the world from nuclear annihilation after 1945, two falsehoods became standard, settled, 97%-consensus science:
1. Neutrons attract, rather than repel, other neutrons.
2. Stars consume, rather than generate, hydrogen.
Both statements are empirically FALSE, ie falsified by observations.
With kind regards,
– Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Princial
Investigator for Apollo
The EPA has been playing very dirty. A new report exposes this.
It is not just OCD.
First, there is HCD, Hyper-correlative Causation Disorder. Simple facts are correlated then causation is ascribed. No matter how complex the system, they settle for a single primary cause.
Second, there is willful ignorance of climate history. They stop going back in time once confirmation bias is satisfied. That is why ice is only looked at back to 1979, while temperatures are looked at back to 1895. They ignore Glacier Bay. They ignore plants found under glaciers. Temporal confirmation bias disorder (TCBD)
Third, they assume that scientists and observers were sloppier in the past than today. Not only that, they assume a linear sloppiness, that worsens the further into the past you go. This leads to the ridiculous temperature adjustments of the past.
Reasoning-out-of-our-collective-arses Disorder (ROOOCAD)