Distinguishing Natural Variability From Climate Change From Clueless Experts

Here is classic example from seven years ago of a top government climate expert boldly proclaiming climate change, when he had no idea what he was talking about.

Global warming behind hurricanes, says US expert

Monterey, California   April 25, 2006 – 10:10AM

The hurricanes we are seeing are indeed a direct result of climate change and it’s no longer something we’ll see in the future, it’s happening now,” said Greg Holland, a division director at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, today.

Many of the experts gathered in the coastal city of Monterey are federal employees working under a Bush administration that contends global warming is an unproven theory.

Holland, director of the Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division of the federal research centre, said tropical storm anomalies in the 1940s and 1950s can be explained by natural variability.

But he said carbon dioxide started changing traceable patterns in the 1970s and by the early 1990s, the atmospheric results were affecting the storm numbers and intensities.

What we’re seeing right now in global climate temperature is a signature of climate change,” said Holland, a native of Australia. “The large bulk of the scientific community say what we are seeing now is linked directly to greenhouse gases.”

Global warming behind hurricanes, says US expert – World – theage.com.au

US hurricanes have been on the decline since 1880, and are currently at historic lows. This expert used two active years (2004 and 2005) and a massive dose of confirmation bias to come to an unsupportable conclusion.

ScreenHunter_282 Sep. 06 08.25

As atmospheric CO2 has increased, US hurricane strikes have decreased.

ScreenHunter_283 Sep. 06 08.42

HURDAT Re-analysis Chronological List of All Hurricanes

Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts

– Richard Feynman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Distinguishing Natural Variability From Climate Change From Clueless Experts

  1. SMS says:

    You ought to place the PDO curve over the hurricane count and see how well they match.

  2. Shazaam says:

    Hurricanes have been getting air time at an “unprecedented” rate since the weather channel determined that disasters are good for increasing viewership.

    Scarey weather sells. Normal is dull. They have started naming winter storms….. Where is the sense in that? Oh yeah, it makes them seem much, much worse if a winter snow storm is named like a dissipating line of Atlantic thunderstorms.

    The weather hypsters are no different from climatologists. They hype the scare factor to get what they want. Government grants for the “climatologists”. Increased viewership for the weather channel presstitutes.

    • Andy DC says:

      It is so funny, with the Weather Channel giving nonstop ads about all their many hurricane experts, when no hurricanes can be found. I wonder what their ratings are, showing repeats of the same old rescue teams fillers for the 100th time.

  3. tom0mason says:

    ‘CO2 derived climate change’ is a belief system, sanctioned by the UN, to control national economies.

  4. Gamecock says:

    What the heck does “global climate temperature” mean?

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    A “Boys Most Excellent Adventure Update”

    Are they broke? Has their sponsor bailed because their scheme failed?

    They day after they limped into Cam the annual Sea Lift ship arrived to offload the supplies. They could have easily loaded their rowboat on board for the return trip. But they didn’t, they told Global News they left their boat in Cam.

    So what does it cost to ship something? They do not have a category for “Poorly Designed Barge Style Rowboats”, but they do have a category for Light Duty Vehicles, which would be about the same size and weight.

    The cost to ship their boat back to Inuvik?

    $185.00 bucks.

    One Hundred and Eighty Five dollars.


  6. Yes, they are totally clueless!

    Since 1945 they have blindly believed teachers that gave them “scientific information” designed to hide the nature of the source of energy that destroyed Hiroshima:


    See this recent discussion on the Sun’s Mysterious Magnetism:


    With kind regards,
    – Oliver k. Manuel
    Former NASA principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  7. stephen says:

    I apologise for Australians that have run off at the mouth in your country, we are about to put a stop to it here and these clowns will have to find real work.

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