In disturbing overnight news, Australia has joined Canada as the second Commonwealth Nation to be taken over by conservatives. (After this week I am not even going to acknowledge David Cameron.)
Julia’s carbon tax was never given a chance to restore Australia to the stable climate of 1789. It is imperative for the sake of the planet that the tax is given a chance, particularly after Welsh interloper Julia’s noble gesture of lying to Australian voters.
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Australia’s New Prime Minister Wants To Immediately Dismantle His Country’s Fight Against Climate Change
The argument is absolute crap. However, the politics of this are tough for us. Eighty percent of people believe climate change is a real and present danger.
In his acceptance speech just a few moments ago he named scrapping Australia’s carbon tax as the very first thing he hopes to accomplish in the next three years.
Awesome. Hopefully he will end this scam tax immediately and set Australia back on a course to sanity.
Unfortunately he needs the Senate to pass his anti carbon tax agenda. More unfortunate is the Senate is controlled by some wackout lefty Greens. If the Greens don’t support his legislation, Abbot may call another election.
The Australian Senate has Senators who serve for six years. The Senate has elections every three years for half it’s members.
The only way to completely cleanout the Senate is to call a “Double Dissolution” of Parliament. This involves another election which would include the lower house (of representatives) and the complete Senate.
The last time this was called was back in the seventies when another Labor socialist government was creating economic havoc. The resultant double dissolution election resulted in a routing of the socialists in both houses.
The real bugbear Green Senator is a wackjob 32 year old neo communist named Sarah Hanson Young. Yep. 32 years old. He lifelong resume includes : Youth organizer, Amnesty international campaigner, Green Party campaigner, illegal refugee campaigner. She quotes Marx at the drop of a hat however doesn’t understand him.
“Australia’s New Prime Minister Wants To Immediately Dismantle His Country’s Fight Against Climate Change. The argument is absolute crap.”
Yes, the idea that a tax can alter climates is pure crap, and a scam.
I tend to think in tougher terms. I think treason enters the picture, on the part of the Insane Left, given the gargantuan political abuse. On the science side, I think all academic science authorities, who should long ago have snuffed this with common sense, have been shown to be incompetent, as they allowed the false public narrative to develop and almost completely take over. All of science now appears incompetent and disgraced, by that failure to protect the public, the common good, from blatant “scientific” lies. And they still admit nothing wrong. And climate science is just the tip of the iceberg of incompetent adherence to false dogma in modern physical science.
So you are going to ignore ‘Cast Iron’ Dave. Good!