End Of August Hurricane Score : 1886 Leads 2013 By 7-0

By the end of August 1886, there had already been seven hurricanes in the Atlantic, including five which hit the US. This year there have been no hurricanes.

ScreenHunter_75 Sep. 02 08.20

ScreenHunter_77 Sep. 02 08.25

At Indianola, Texas a storm surge of 15 feet overwhelmed the town. Every building in the town was either destroyed or left uninhabitable.

1886 Atlantic hurricane season – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to End Of August Hurricane Score : 1886 Leads 2013 By 7-0

  1. Joseph says:

    Steve, don’t you know? Fewer hurricanes is part of CAGW theory, too. Same with fewer tornadoes, more arctic/Antarctic ice, fewer heat waves, and crunchier, sweeter apples. Get your shit straight, bro :)~

  2. @NJSnowFan says:

    During mini ice ages hurricanes are few and far between. We are entered ” The Al Gore Grand Hurricane Minimum”

  3. EW3 says:

    Steve, you have a gift for synthesizing data and coming up with gems like
    “End Of August Hurricane Score : 1886 Leads 2013 By 7-0”
    Makes combating the true deniers (alarmists) much simpler. I used to try using science (physics major at university) but I usually left them glassy eyed.
    One of your gems is so irrefutable (if JFraudK doesn’t mind) that it leaves the true deniers speechless. I usually tie your gems together with the Socratic method to make it really stick.

    • That is my goal. It is trivial to prove that global warming and its progenitors are nothing but bullshit, but unfortunately there are a lot of people on both sides of the debate who like to pretend they are doing big science. Instead of wasting time on theory, I just want to highlight the mutually exclusive contradictions behind this scam.

      • EW3 says:

        You’re doing a great job of it Steve.
        In my semi-retirement (from science/engineering) I spend 3 days a week doing part time retail. I get to meet a lot of libs (I live in MA) and I use your nuggets to make them think.
        Sorry I am late to following your blog, but am now addicted.

    • I have an Advanced Degree in Mathematics. So, you won’t leave me glassy eyed! Give it your best shot! There is no such thing as Global Warming, man-made or otherwise! And I will be more than happy to debate you on this subject any day of the week. Just let me know when and where, I’ll be there! Thanks! Len Holliday is the Lead Forecaster with firsthandweather.com and retired stockbroker of 20+ years. [email protected]

  4. oeman50 says:

    C’mon! The hurricanes are hiding in the deep ocean along with the missing heat.

  5. norilsk says:

    I’m not crazy, but it helps.
    NOAA: Atlantic hurricane season on track to be above-normal

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