Eric’s Problem Solved!

ScreenHunter_1101 Sep. 29 21.42

A weatherman breaks down in tears and vows NEVER to fly again due to grim climate-change report | Mail Online

h/t to dp

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Eric’s Problem Solved!

  1. Andy Oz says:

    I’m selling my Qantas and Boeing shares based on this weatherman’s emotional call to arms. What a guy…… And if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    There’s a reason why it’s cheaper to fly than to drive. The biggest cost for airlines is fuel. They’re buying (costly) jet fuel, and they can deliver a passenger and luggage several thousand miles for a few hundred bucks and still make money. The 737-800 cruises at .785 Mach burning roughly 800 gal/hr, and carrying 160 passengers, luggage, and crew. The WSJ gets 64 mpg per seat as a fleet average. (Dunno) , but while Amtrak may do better, aircraft are quite efficient.

    But I see no need to tell the nitwit. Let him suffer.

  3. gofer says:

    As Dr. Phil would say, “What are you getting out of this?” People do things because they get some type of “feeling” from it and in this case, he is throwing it out, for the world to see, his own self-professed moral superiority and adding to his resume. The enviro-wacko orgs., who have millions of dollars, will say, “What a dedicated guy.” “Let’s hire him.” These people are the most useless people on the face of the earth, people who make millions doing nothing but trying to stop everybody else from being productive. The point is to make people feel guilty enough to pay “penance”. Someday there will be a slew of books written about the greatest con the world has ever seen and Gore has assured himself a place in history, albeit not the one he envisions.

    I question whether he actually cried and it was more of a PR stunt to draw attention, which it worked. IF there were actual tears involved then he really is a messed-up person.

    As far as not having children for the reason of a “carbon footprint” is just off-the-wall nuts but surely will be helpful in not passing on the “crazy” gene.

  4. ralphcramdo says:

    Why is it when CO2 in mentioned on TV or in news articles accompanying pictures are of nuclear power plant cooling towers with steam coming out of them? At that point I stop watching/reading.

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