Flannery Hoping To Continue Scamming Money Out Of Australians

ScreenHunter_736 Sep. 19 20.07

Abbott may have decimated the Climate Commission, but my work will go on | Tim Flannery | Comment is free | theguardian.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Flannery Hoping To Continue Scamming Money Out Of Australians

  1. Anto says:

    From Flannery’s Wikipedia entry:
    Flannery’s early research concerned the evolution of mammals in Australasia. As part of his doctoral studies, he described 29 new kangaroo species including 11 new genera and three new subfamilies. In the 1990s, Flannery published The Mammals Of New Guinea (Cornell Press) and Prehistoric Mammals Of Australia and New Guinea (Johns Hopkins Press), the most comprehensive reference works on the subjects. Through the 1990s, Flannery surveyed the mammals of Melanesia – discovering 16 new species – and took a leading role in conservation efforts in the region.

    This, of course, makes him uniquely qualified to be Australia’s leading climate scientist.

  2. Junk science snake oil salesman.

  3. tom0mason says:

    ” but my work will go on…”
    Is that a threat or what?

  4. tom0mason says:

    Flannery could always go to the UK Met Office – there the employees give themselves a bonus for getting the weather forecast correct. Makes you wonder what the basic pay is for?

  5. Aard Knox says:

    Flannery told us it was never going to ever rain enough to fill our water storage dams again so all the Australian mainland state governments panicked and spent buckets of money building big desalination plants which are now quietly rusting because just after they were commissioned the drought broke and the rivers flooded.
    Good riddance but we’d like our money back!

  6. Kaboom says:

    Australians have a right to information independent from facts.

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