Forecasting The Next IPCC Report

After five more years of no warming, AR6 will announce that they have 99% confidence that humans have wrecked the climate.

They gain confidence and boldness from each worsening failure, apparently taking their inspiration from the White House.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Forecasting The Next IPCC Report

  1. Don says:

    Obama I The Failed. Michelle on deck ready to play Evita to Barry’s Juan, Obama II.

  2. tom0mason says:

    In 5 years thing may change –
    IPCC implements a new 2 tier pal peer review process, the IPCC first getting to review and adjust all raw data before it is passed to the normal pal peer review process. All papers from this day forward confirm the IPCC modeled outcomes.

    All researchers and scientists wishing to have their paper subjected to the pal peer review process must proclaim and sign a pledge of allegiance to the IPCC.

    Additional 2 ships are purchased, and special satellite program implemented to find the missing heat in the oceans. Missing heat is found, published papers confirm the IPCC modeled outcomes.

    A new study on clouds and there effects demonstrates that the IPCC modeled results are valid and accurate. The experiment involves lots of hot air blowing smoke at strategically placed reflective surfaces.

    AR6 is published showing 99.999% confidence level with all modeled projection are 99.98% accuracy but unfortunately the IPCC state that reality now requires adjustment.


  3. Eric Simpson says:

    As I said on jonova, I like how the Coyote Blog put it:

    The IPCC claims more confidence that warming over the past 60 years is due to man. But this is odd given that the warming all came from 1978 to 1998.

    So, only 20 out of the last 60+ years have been warming? And this is supposed to be runaway catastrophic warming?? Not even close.

  4. Jimbo says:

    What if it cools from now until AR6? What will their confidence level be? This is the problem with going for ever higher figures. You may be forced to back peddle or look foolish just as they have just done with climate sensitivity. Oh, and what will happen to the 97% of climate scientists and the consensus? The figure will look ridiculous with any cooling.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    My money is on the IPCC, led by Professor John Cook, saying in AR6 that they are 97% confident it’s all down to man.

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