Fort Collins Cut Off From The World

I don’t think there is any way to get in or out of Fort Collins/Loveland right now. All the bridges across the Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers are closed. The Big Thompson River in Loveland has more water than it did in the 1976 flood.

ScreenHunter_528 Sep. 13 07.18

CDOT (@ColoradoDOT) on Twitter

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Fort Collins Cut Off From The World

  1. Steve Keohane says:

    Wow, Steven, Listened to KOA this am, can’t believe the rain you guys have had. Hope it doesn’t cause you more than some temporary inconvenience. Keep your powder dry!

  2. kbray in california says:

    Steven, you can switch to one of these:

    …but they don’t climb hills very well… 🙂

  3. kbray in california says:

    You know the warmistas and the administration are going to spin this something fierce.

  4. Scott says:

    My yard is loving this. Reservoirs above town will all be at capacity too. I hope they keep the roads closed until at least tomorrow afternoon (though I hope no one gets hurt) so that the fast out-of-towners won’t be able to make it to the race I’m in tomorrow!


  5. Otter says:

    They’ve got you right where you want them!

  6. Bill in AZ says:

    According to Moochelle, water is good

  7. @njsnowfan says:

    How will you make it to The Freshly Groomed Greenland Country Club for T time tomorrow morning.

  8. Has Al Gore been in Boulder recently?

  9. phodges says:

    Well glad it’s not us getting hit…all the roads in Death Valley already washed out this summer.

    We tend to get these water events in the winter..storms drift down out of the NW and pick up a subtropical tap…14″ precipitation in 3 days….that’s a lot of snow

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