Fossil Fuel Powered Tropics Go Crazy

ScreenHunter_874 Sep. 24 09.09

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Fossil Fuel Powered Tropics Go Crazy

  1. Andy Oz says:

    The mid Atlantic Ocean must be “rotten, decayed, full of holes, blowtorched and disappearing” in a few years to be generating so few hurricanes. Reggie?? Help!!

  2. Gary says:

    The ocean must be eating the hurricanes. It’s worse than we thought!

  3. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    Hurricanes . . . now hiding in the cold, deep ocean waters.

    Global Warming works again . . .

  4. Pathway says:

    They are being sucked into the deep ocean in order to hide the heat.

  5. gator69 says:

    Children just aren’t going to know what hurricanes are.

  6. Shazaam says:

    There aren’t any lines of thunderstorms out there to name at the moment. It’s so quiet that has to resort to reminiscing about past hurricanes for drama and hype.

    Their current favorite is Hurricane Rita from 2005. I guess they don’t dare go back to far in history as that might break the “Hurricanes are getting more fierce and destructive due to global warming” narrative.


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