Fossil Sea Ice

One of the more bizarre misconceptions in the alarmist community is that there used to be a lot of very old sea ice in the Arctic.

Arctic sea ice rarely lasts much more than about five years, because strong winter winds blow it all out into the Atlantic sooner or later, where it melts.

During times when the winds are strong (like 1988-1996) a lot of thick ice gets lost during the winter. In recent years the winter winds have been lighter, and less ice has been lost in the winter. That is why we are seeing the amount of older ice increase since 2009.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Fossil Sea Ice

  1. Ragtag Media says:

    Sublimation also takes its toll.

  2. John B., M.D. says:

    Wind is blamed for increasing Antarctic ice but nary a mention by alarmists causing decreasing Arctic ice. I call that cherry-picking and ignoring data contrary to one’s narrative.

    What is very clear is that natural cycles dominate any possible signal from AGW.

  3. Sleepalot says:

    What, no ice in the NW passage?

  4. Atowermadeofcheese says:

    Perhaps you should show recent years in that animation…

    • Latitude says:

      the 2012 animation NASA put up was great!
      …showed the wind breaking up and blowing the ice out
      I think they called it the August Cyclone

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