Google Features Pamela Zuppo Calling Ted Cruz “Creepy-Looking”

There seems to be no limit how low the Google/Obama propaganda machine will sink.

ScreenHunter_929 Sep. 25 05.24

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Google Features Pamela Zuppo Calling Ted Cruz “Creepy-Looking”

  1. Wyguy says:

    To demean your opponent is a sure sign you have no good argument and are a loser.

  2. gator69 says:

    “Pamela Zuppo commented on the petition 6 days ago
    Demand Governor Hickenlooper Enact an Immediate Statewide Moratorium on all Oil & Gas, Fracking Development in Colorado
    All water systems are interconnected. Colorado does not exist in a vacuum. Stop being a raging psychopath, killing today’s children and those in the future. Karma, dude, karma will get you.”

    Too late, Fisker’s Karma already got us.

  3. These days, I tend to think all politicians look creepy (you regulares have seen the photographs Steve Goddard has put up here of some of them–creepy is the word, all right). But I saw Ted Cruz on TV (Fox, of course), and he looked damned good to me. Something in what he said, no doubt, and the way he said it…

    (“Zuppo” is a creepy name, by the way. She should stay out of politics–out of the entertainment industry altogether.)

  4. D. Self says:

    And Henry Waxman isn’t creepy looking?

  5. Cliff Weng says:

    Pamela Zuppo is probably the meanest person I have ever met online. Cannot believe such person exist.

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