Government Agency Glossary

  • Department of Energy – tasked with blocking production of America’s most abundant energy source
  • Department of the Interior – tasked with blocking production of America’s most abundant energy source
  • Environmental Protection Agency – tasked with blocking production of America’s most abundant energy source
  • Department of State – tasked with delivering arms to middle eastern terrorists, and then covering it up when things go wrong
  • Department of Education –  tasked with teaching children to block production of America’s most abundant energy source
  • Department of Homeland Security – tasked with protecting government from the US Constitution
  • Department of Justice – tasked with protecting government from the US Constitution
  • National Security Agency (I will let them fill in their mission statement here _______)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Government Agency Glossary

  1. R. de Haan says:

    German TV news: New climate report: Global Warming continues, sea levels continue to rise, trend accelerating because of melting ice caps and it’s all our fault.

    The time has come to contract some lawyers and sue the bastards.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    ?Department of State – tasked with delivering arms to middle eastern terrorists, and then covering it up when things go wrong

    What about blocking Keystone XL pipeline?

    NASA: blocking production of America’s most abundant energy source, and making Muslims feel good about themselves.

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