Government Wasting Money On Junk Science Is Legitimized By The Fact That It Is Government Funded

Global Warming Could Explain Exponential Sea Ice Growth RedOrbit  – ?Sep 19, 2013?

According to his National Science Foundation-funded research, global warming might be responsible for this record increase of sea ice.

Global Warming Could Explain Exponential Sea Ice Growth

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Government Wasting Money On Junk Science Is Legitimized By The Fact That It Is Government Funded

  1. kbray in california says:

    And the corollary… Ice melts when the air gets colder… makes perfect sense in this Government Funded Science.

    • Bob Greene says:

      Well, er, you see, you get warmer air that will hold more moisture and create more snow which creates more ice which doesn’t melt as fast as it is deposited, doncha know?

      Which part of global warming being responsible for every weather event and observation have we missed? It’s all in the models and predicted if you are a trained reader of the tea leaves.

  2. Bill says:

    Zhang may not have read skeptic blogs to know that the Steig paper showing the Antarctic warming had misleading figures in it. The warmth of the small western peninsula was smeared into the rest of the continent. So, the continent is not getting warmer as Zhang stated. Would change his whole interpretation.

  3. tom0mason says:

    You ever wonder why the debt ceiling has to go up – funding all this cr@p, with over-qualified automatons, pal-reviewed, super-computer games machines modeled, etc., etc., costs $…

    • Billy Liar says:

      Well, computer gaming is still cheaper than renting a ship and going to the Antarctic to do real research. Real research costs real money!

      I just view X-box science as something to do for the otherwise unemployable. Welfare for graduates.

  4. Shazaam says:

    Government Funded research will soon be equated with Enronesque fraud.

    Government funded anything should soon be seen as the signature of something that does not quite measure up.

  5. Dave in Canmore says:

    ““The overwhelming evidence is that the Southern Ocean is warming,” said Zhang in a statement about his research.”

    How could a professional in this field be so wrong? Southern Ocean data clearly shows the exact opposite??!!
    see declining ocean temp data here:

    And they brag that they all think alike! lmao

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