Greens Tell Australia That They Don’t Care What The Voters Say

After the prime minister-elect instructed his department on Sunday to begin drafting the legislation to abandon the carbon-pricing scheme, business groups lined up to urge parliament to respect his government’s mandate.

Key state governments said that cutting the tax would provide huge relief to the cost of running services, with Queensland Treasurer Tim Nicholls declaring that the Senate was “there to protect the rights of the states and the states don’t want Labor’s carbon tax”, adding that the impost would hit new projects in the coal and liquefied natural gas-rich state.

With Labor and the Greens threatening to deadlock the plan in the current Senate, the Abbott government could have to wait to negotiate with newly elected senators who take their seats in July next year, or otherwise call a double-dissolution election.

Carbon delay ‘to cost billions’, warns business | The Australian

Labor lied to create the tax, and now they refuse to give it up. Hopefully this will be permanently fatal for the party.

Meanwhile, Obama may have put his war against Syria on hold, but has not let up with his war against the American economy.

A new Pacific regional pact calling for aggressive action to combat climate change has achieved a “major accomplishment” by gaining US support, officials said Sunday.

The Majuro Declaration, endorsed by the 15-nation Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) at their summit last week, contains specific pledges on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell announced during the session a new climate change fund for Pacific islands vulnerable to rising sea levels. …

Separately, the US was offering $24 million over five years for projects in “vulnerable coastal communities” in the Pacific, she said. …

Marshall Islands minister Tony de Brum said the US support was a “major accomplishment”.

Obama signs on to three international climate pacts in three days | Grist

You would have to have an IQ less than 30 to believe that anything Obama can do will affect sea level.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Greens Tell Australia That They Don’t Care What The Voters Say

  1. No, you just have to be willing to shut off your IQ–your ability to reason on your own. And surprise, surprise, over half of the American electorate has that superpower at their disposal. We need to find a way to unplug them from the wall, so that when they get pouty and snotty and shut off their switch, it won’t matter, they will no longer be in use anyway; the world will have moved on without them. (Yes, I know it’s a mere dream…)

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Labor is a rabble and the watermelon Greens are left wing nuts.
    Double dissolution election in March will solve the problem.

    • Cheryl says:

      Given the make up of the senate come July 2014 I think Abbott will get his legislation through,he will avoid the expense of a DD if he can. However, I would love to see the annihilation that would surely be meted out the Labor/Greens.

    • Bone Idle says:

      Abbott will threaten certain Labor apparatchiks with Royal Commissions into some nefarious affairs -such as Thomson and Gillards affiliation with some allegedly funny cheques. Royal Commissions would cause some persons to poo in their pants.

      Labor will buckle.

  3. tom0mason says:

    Australia is leading the world, so come-on the rest of the world and get with the new program. Dump the carbon defamation tax and dump all those green ideologues.
    Get real and start thinking!

  4. wizzum says:

    Call a double dissolution. He will win it in a landslide

    • ozspeaksup says:

      sure would, because Milne and the remnant labor lot would get less votes today than they scraped in on saturday. disparaging remarks about rabble in the senate wont sit well.
      even their own labor sitters have said to give in and not fight repeals, guess those chaps will be out of the running with their own now.

  5. 1957chev says:

    Reblogged this on Mothers Against Wind Turbines and commented:
    Those faux-green losers are going to care, soon enough!!!

  6. I don’t think Greens view humans as their priority at the best of times.

  7. Kaboom says:

    Getting some island nations with no recognizable GDP to accept millions in free aid money is truly a diplomatic feat of the ages.

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