Guardian Can’t Handle Facts

They are back censoring all my comments again, after I posted a number of links to government data sources showing that almost everything the IPCC is claiming is incorrect.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Guardian Can’t Handle Facts

  1. Can you link to an article? I’ll go ask where all of Steve Goddard’s facts went.

  2. @njsnowfan says:

    It’s a big game Steve, Hide The Decline, Change the Data, Scare the Public and Steel their money.

    You can ask a climate scientist questions on Sept 30 here. NASA posted the link on twitter.

  3. @njsnowfan says:

    Funny the name, created by NASA Goddard.

  4. @njsnowfan says:

    oops steal typo

  5. gator69 says:

    They censor racist and homophobic comments. 😉

  6. Mike Mellor says:

    When it comes to working a comments thread, the other side works as a team. They know if one commenter posts twenty links then the bot is going to bin him. So twenty guys go in and each posts one link. The lone wolf ninja approach isn’t always the best way.

  7. David Y says:

    Just looked at that ‘sort-of’ article at the Guardian. I hadn’t realized that Al Gore runs the editing staff…

    While reading it, I must admit I threw up in my mouth more than a little. Terrifying idiocy on full display.

  8. Lawrence13 says:

    I’ve emailed them Steve asking why your posts are disappearing at a rate faster than any supposed sea ice. These people , the left are disgusting , if the truth doesn’t fit them bury the truth.

    Just heard Lord Chris Smith (hmmm wonder why he’s a lord) on radio 4 talking about all the wild weather we’ve been enduring. The man is a prat and a dozy thick prat at that.

  9. I think it would make a nice 97% poll to find out how many climate skeptics are on pre-moderation at the Guardian.

    Hmm. I also wonder how much alarmists charge to commission a typical 97% study? I wonder if it costs more if the data actually says 1.2%, or is it just a flat rate to bullshit? The marketing potential is endless. I wonder if the medical industry would be interested in a new, lower rate “volume pricing plan” like the Climate Industrial Complex seems to have adopted.

  10. Mike Mangan says:

    Man up. Stop whining. It’s the Guardian, for God’s sake. You should have expected this from your first comment on. Nothing in their behavior would suggest their championing of free speech.

  11. 97% $$$$$ is not negotiable Hockey Schtick. It is part of the contract.

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