Hansen : 4-6 Degrees Warming By The Year 2010

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ScreenHunter_58 Sep. 01 09.34

ScreenHunter_59 Sep. 01 09.36

The Press-Courier – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to Hansen : 4-6 Degrees Warming By The Year 2010

  1. beowulftoo says:

    Analysis by a fool (Friend Of Obama Legionnaire)

  2. slimething says:

    Funny how Warmologists never want talk about failed predictions in the past, only what they are now for the future. The future never ends up being now.

  3. gator69 says:

    Wrongway Hansen is a coal train wreck.

  4. Curt says:

    Lately some of his defenders have been saying all of Hansen’s predictions have been accurate or understated. We need to track these back and hold them to it

  5. Bill says:

    Give him a break. He was only off by a factor of 10.

  6. Andy Oz says:

    0.05 degrees per decade??! Battle stations!!!!
    Seriously, what have these guys been smoking?
    The game is up and CAGW mythology is falling apart.

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      The PDO has turned less negative this year in comparison with 2012, *because* the AMO became less positive, both oscillations are connected,
      “.. the dipole anomaly [Arctic] and “AMO” are connected to the same meridional overturning modes. In reality the AMO SST fluctuations also manifest in the North Pacific and Indian Ocean Dipole regions very well..which makes sense given the hemispheric Hadley/Ferrel Cell migrations seem to pace with the AMO, if not precede them.
      I think the AMO should be renamed as the NHO (Northern Hemispheric Oscillation)..because that is technically what it is. We see the effects range from shifts in tropical convection/cloud cover, to angular momentum/Rossby waves, to the latitude/strength of various Hadley Cells, to hemispheric SSTs and temperature…”


      I believe the quick change of configuration was caused in part by the low level of ice extent in the Arctic in 2012 that permitted an increased thermal exchange between the two oceans through the N. Pole. Another important factor I believe is the strong trend for another La Nina with cooler waters at the west of S. America at the equator, forcing some warmth towards the North.
      This is also the cause (I think) of the low number of Atlantic hurricanes this season (Joe Bastardi was predicting many hurricanes this season because of the strong PDO-/AMO+ configuration of last year, but the configuration changed considerably since the end of 2012).
      Last year Australia was cooler consistently, under the strong PDO- regime, and this should happen again when the oscillation returns to its “normal situation”, which is presently a negative phase.
      Low solar radiation levels should also force the entire “NHO” towards a strong negative phase in general in the coming years.

    • gator69 says:

      This is why the AGW scam is so very evil, it takes funding away from worthy recipients and squanders it on nonsense. We have enough money for real problems.

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