Homeland Security

  • In 2001, a few guys with box cutters brought America to its knees
  • In 2009, one guy with a pistol brought an Army base to its knees
  • In 2013, one guy with a rifle brought a Navy base to its knees.

Three armed people could have prevented these tragedies, but what did 21st century America learn?

That we law abiding citizens have to give up all of our Constitutional rights, of course.

The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves at the industrial grade stupidity of the American people to fall for this crap.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Homeland Security

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Judging the headlines at Drudge….
    MEDS? Gunman claimed to have PTSD after rescuing victims on 9/11…
    Had ‘secret’ clearance…
    Was arrested for shooting bullet into neighbor’s home…
    ‘Anger-fueled blackout’…
    Attended Buddhist temple…
    WAR ZONE: SWAT-style teams deployed at Capitol…
    Navy exploring base security measures…
    All Killed, Wounded Were Civilians…
    Russian official mocks: ‘A clear confirmation of American exceptionalism’…
    CBSNBC ID shooter as Naval officer, retract…
    Feinstein calls for new gun control laws…
    LAST WEEK: Al Qaeda calls for small-scale attacks inside United States…

    …I think the media and the political establishment suffer from a chronic anxiety complex.

    Oh yes and Feinstein is just crazy.

  2. EW3 says:

    When I served in the USN you couldn’t get a secret clearance if you had a parking ticket.
    How the hell did this guy get one after getting tossed from the USN and subsequent shooting violations?

    Can’t think of a terrorist act in the US that we did not have warnings about (or that the terrorists were not in violation of immigration laws). It seems the Federal Government can’t prevent anything. They only come in to clean up the mess they allowed to happen.

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