Hottest New Zealand Winter Ever Update

HUNDREDS of skiers are stuck on New Zealand’s Mt Hutt after freak weather forced its closure.

A combination of drifting snow and poor visibility has been blamed. While ski area management were aware of an approaching front and poor forecast, the situation deteriorated quickly, Mt Hutt ski area manager James McKenzie said.

There are 316 people trapped on the mountain.

“We made a decision to close the mountain at 11.30 this morning and a number of people made it safely down the road,” he said.

“However at midday a combination of new snow blowing around everywhere and wind gusts of up to 45km/h, especially around the Saddles, meant visibility along the upper section of the access road deteriorated to the extent we closed the road completely.

Hundreds of skiers trapped on New Zealand’s Mt Hutt

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Hottest New Zealand Winter Ever Update

  1. X says:

    Gore effect, full force!! 🙂

  2. Bill says:

    Yep. You beat me to it. The Gore effect.

  3. ntesdorf says:

    This snow event is obviously why is is the hottest New Zealand Winter ever. It’s a Gore effect augmented by data tampering.

  4. B.C. says:

    It’s all rotten, decayed snow.

  5. Marian says:

    The claim NZ was the hottest winter ever was from the same data tamperer of statistics. Compiled non other, than Jim Salinger himself.

    Yes parts of NZ did have a milder than average winter. We still had some good coldspells also. Including parts of the South Island with record to near record snow and flooding. Which wasn’t supposed to have happened according to NIWA.

    Parts of the South Auckland region didn’t have any frosts to speak off this year. While other parts of the South Auckland region had there usual frosts. Including where I’m living. We had 7 fairly good icy frosts.

  6. Billy NZ says:

    It’s bloody cold in NZ,take it from me.And yes,it was Salinger all over tv spouting.

  7. Billy NZ says:

    I can see mount Egmont out my window,and it is blanketed in snow.

  8. Andy Oz says:

    Why the alarmists are incandescent with alarm. 3 days to go.

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