How Andrew Freedman’s Scam Works

Andrew Freedman of Heidi Central claims that the Boulder rainfall last week was a 1,000 year event. Here is how his scam works.

The CSU map below (h/t Omnologos) shows rainfall during the 1997 Spring Creek flood in Fort Collins – which was more intense than last week’s Boulder rain. Freedman’s argument is based on the spectacularly deceptive concept that the odds of one particular rain gauge being right under the peak precipitation are very low.

ScreenHunter_791 Sep. 21 04.54

flood10.gif (935×1210)

The University of Colorado says that last week’s flood was a 25-50 year event in Boulder, but no matter how many times this gets pointed out to Andrew Freedman, he continues to insist that it was a 1,000 year rainfall. It is equivalent of saying that the odds of there being a Colorado lottery winner are very low, because the odds for any individual ticket are very low.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to How Andrew Freedman’s Scam Works

  1. omnologos says:

    do we have a similar map for last week’s?

  2. Geezer117 says:

    The story isn’t Freedman’s scam, it’s the relentless repetition of the false claim by nearly all the media. The people who comprise the media are true believers in the Global Warming Religion, and use their position to advance their dogma at every opportunity.

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