I Better Go Turn Off The Sprinkler

The Colorado government says we are having a severe drought!

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Colorado’s Drought Response and Mitigation Planning

This would be the same Colorado state government who thought that infringing on the Bill of Rights was a good idea.

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The good news is that the gate is closed on the bike trail, to keep cyclists from trying to ride under the bridge.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to I Better Go Turn Off The Sprinkler

  1. PhilJourdan says:

    Yea, I tuned into KOA to listen to it, and the regular programming is off the air! Due to flooding.

    Stop sweating! Get an AC and end this drought flood!

  2. @NJSnowFan says:

    TWC’s main weather news today , flooding in Colorado.

  3. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    There is a link on that page where you can get that metre thingy on your website.

    It would be a running gag every day .

  4. Ben says:

    Climate Prediction Center
    Monthly Drought Outlook Graphic
    Most of Colorado is projected “Drought persists or intensifies”


    Change the name to Climate Presumption Center

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Sea levels will be falling because of these Colorado drought floods.
    The brain surgeon alarmists blamed Australian floods on recent falls so Colorado is next.

  6. Edmonon Al says:

    Why would anyone stop their vehicle on the bridge to watch the flood?
    They must be “Alarmists” to be that stupid.
    Oh right….. bridges never wash out during floods. ;^)

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