I Vote For “Limited And Proportional” Removal Of Boehner And Cantor From Their Leadership Positions

Not really. They should resign immediately. Forget the “limited and proportional part.”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to I Vote For “Limited And Proportional” Removal Of Boehner And Cantor From Their Leadership Positions

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Proportional means killing 100,000 of Assad’s supporters.
    It all depends on what the definition of “proportional” is.

    • In this case, Proportional = (Anything)/(Zero) = Undefined!

      We can’t know what “proportional” is until the POTUS tells us what the values of the numerator and denominator are. The bill has to pass and the POTUS has to sign it before anyone can know what it contains – including the POTUS (see Obama Care for an example). Even then, the final result is subject to change without notice at the whim of the POTUS and his target. Which puts us back to where I started: Proportional = (Anything)/(Zero) = Undefined!

      The whole show needs to be shut down and some actual responsible adults need to be installed in office. All we seem to have now are a bunch of out of control three year old children (with apologies to actual out of control three year old children).

  2. Don says:

    They should exit, along with Ryan.

  3. Rand Paul said he was “proud” that Obama decided to ask Congress to go in with him. I want him out too.

  4. tnmilfman says:

    The government will not allow the States to keep out illegal immigrants, but it now claims these same “immigrants” could be Islamic infiltrators that we need to go to war with Syria to stop. This whole sick scenario is spinning out of control. WW3 could easily be just days away and America and Israel are starting it.

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