IPCC Announces From Cold, Miserable Stockholm That You Are Heating The Planet Out Of Control

ScreenHunter_998 Sep. 27 08.44

Stockholm, Sweden Weather Forecast from Weather Underground

They don’t know why the planet isn’t warming, but they know for sure why it would be warming – if it actually was warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to IPCC Announces From Cold, Miserable Stockholm That You Are Heating The Planet Out Of Control

  1. Andy says:

    This made me laugh

    “It adds that a pause in warming over the past 15 years is too short to reflect long-term trends.”

    But humans have only been really impacting the environment in the last 100 years or so, mostly in last 50 ( if you believe what they say). So 15 years actually is a long time compared to that.

    I think AGW is likely, but I would rather listen to the scientists, and it is a none trivial problem, these people just have too much political baggage for my liking.

    So I do not listen to them.


  2. Maybe the high amount of CO2 is causing calibration issue with global thermometers. They should apply for federal funding to check this hypothesis!

  3. Kepler says:

    You have to be even more gullible than this guy to have blind faith in what the IPCC tells you.

  4. Pathway says:

    It appears that ugly people and climate scientist are one in the same.

  5. Frank says:

    Maybe you’re confusing Celcius with Farenheit? 7C is not very cold.

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