Is Gavin Setting Himself Up?

This one was a little bit too easy …

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Twitter / ClimateOfGavin: @tan123 Nothing to do with …

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Is Gavin Setting Himself Up?

  1. Ben says:


    Nothing to do with models, this is just observations. Simple question, should there be less or more ice as one traverses an interglacial period?

    Hint: See Glacier Bay 1780s to present

    • Jimbo says:

      Here is more with some peer reviewed. What extent was like I don’t know but it’s interesting.

      The Early Twentieth-Century Warming in the Arctic—A Possible Mechanism

      The huge warming of the Arctic that started in the early 1920s and lasted for almost two decades is one of the most spectacular climate events of the twentieth century. During the peak period 1930–40, the annually averaged temperature anomaly for the area 60°–90°N amounted to some 1.7°C…..;2

      The regime shift of the 1920s and 1930s in the North Atlantic

      During the 1920s and 1930s, there was a dramatic warming of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Warmer-than-normal sea temperatures, reduced sea ice conditions and enhanced Atlantic inflow in northern regions continued through to the 1950s and 1960s, with the timing of the decline to colder temperatures varying with location. Ecosystem changes associated with the warm period included a general northward movement of fish……

      Monthly Weather Review October 10, 1922.
      The Arctic seems to be warming up. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explores who sail the seas about Spitsbergen and the eastern Arctic, all point to a radical change in climatic conditions, and hitherto unheard-of high temperatures in that part of the earth’s surface….

      In August, 1922, the Norwegian Department of Commerce sent an expedition to Spitsbergen and Bear Island under Dr. Adolf Hoel, lecturer on geology at the University of Christiania. The oceanographic observations (reported that) Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never before been noted. The expedition all but established a record, sailing as far north as 81o 29′ in ice-free water. This is the farthest north ever reached with modern oceanographic apparatus…..”

      Examiner (Launceston, Tas. – 25 April 1939
      …It has been noted that year by year, for the past two decades, the fringe of the Polar icepack has been creeping northward in the Barents Sea. As compared with the year 1900, the total ice surface of this body of water has decreased by twenty per cent. Various expeditions have discovered that warmth-loving species of fish have migrated in great shoals to waters farther north than they had ever been seen before….

  2. BC says:

    Quit using facts, dammit!

  3. gator69 says:

    I observed massive valleys carved out by glaciers in Europe and Yosemite. I also observed the Great Lakes, and end moraines in southern Illinois. Gavin is a shithead.

  4. Don says:

    Re-posted on DTT dot com.

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Is there more ice now than 20.000 years ago?

    Hint – Gavin, go take a short walk from your office and heck out the erratics in Central Park.

    The rocks, not your fellow New Yorkers.

  6. Bill says:

    Does he think it is all linear?

  7. Brian D says:

    I like near the end of the article where it says ” … and last winter the ocean did not freeze over even on the north coast of Spitzbergen.”

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