James Hansen Explains How GISS Temperature Adjustments Work


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to James Hansen Explains How GISS Temperature Adjustments Work

  1. F. Guimaraes says:

    That’s the entire truth Steve, you finally found it!!
    BTW, Judy Garland is a great actress, isn’t she?

  2. Andy says:

    You’ll enjoy this


    I don’t get that they say this

    “Supporters of the rebranded Climate Council say it will provide impartial and fearless advice about impending threats to Australia from more bushfires, droughts and rising sea levels”

    but also say this

    “”We’re in the middle of a titanic struggle… I think the fight for a clean and safe environmental future is reaching its peak,” he said.

    So they are not impartial, they are tying one thing to another. Suggestion is if you do not do clean energy then more bush fires, droughts and rising sea levels. I don’t think you can actually statistically say how much the effects will be if you change how you behave now on those natural phenomena.

    Keeps them in a job though.


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