John Kerry Can See Miami Underwater From His House

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry calls climate change report ‘alarm bell’

“It’s science,” Kerry said. “It builds on the most authoritative assessments of knowledge on climate change produced by scientists, who by profession are conservative because they must deal in what is observable, provable and reviewable by their peers.”

U.N. panel: Humans most dominant cause of climate change [UPDATE2] –

Kerry believes that he can observe and prove the idiotic nonsense which the IPCC says will happen in the year 2100. He must also be able to observe that Himalayan glaciers will be gone by 2035, as the IPCC reported.

Conservative John Kerry told us that the Arctic would be ice free in 2013.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to John Kerry Can See Miami Underwater From His House

  1. R. de Haan says:

    Kerry, Mommy Clinton, Gore, Daddy Clinton, Merkel, Obama, Milliband, Sarkozy, Blair, MacCain, Cameron, all birds of one feather.

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    Of course Kerry and Obama want the US to go the way of Europe, regardless of the supposed “climate change.” They must be really proud of the “necessarily skyrocketing” electricity prices over there. My Master Resource comment:

    In an article titled “Germany faces rising electricity costs and at least $270 billion for wind power with an exit from nuclear power,” Nextbigfuture reports:

    According to the Institute for Energy Research, this year German electricity rates will increase by over 10% due to a surcharge for using more renewable energy and a further 30 to 50% price increase is expected in the next ten years.

    German electricity is already about triple the price of electricity in the USA and four times the price in Canada. Without a change in course, says the government, costs could rise to 40 cents/kWh by 2020 [or much more as it already costs as much as 34 cents / kWh].

  3. Ed says:

    “Observational science” is a nice way to say Bull Sheet. Based on that belief my theory that all people die from exposure to sunlight is correct.

  4. kuhnkat says:

    “who by profession are conservative because they must deal in what is observable, provable and reviewable by their peers.””

    So, if CONSERVATIVES deal with what is OBSERVABLE, PROVABLE AND REVIEWABLE, what do liberals deal with??



  5. drummerglenchin says:


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