“Katrina’s Real Name Is Global Warming”

 ScreenHunter_33 Aug. 31 18.29

“Katrina’s Real Name is Global Warming” | Democracy Now!

….. or perhaps not.

ScreenHunter_32 Aug. 31 18.27

Weather Street: 2013 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to “Katrina’s Real Name Is Global Warming”

  1. @njsnowfan says:

    Where is AL Gore, No tweets in 10 days, He must have BLUE balls syndrome or are they on ICE?
    His dedicated followers might finally think Hoax is up.

  2. SMS says:

    Ha, ha, ha!!!! God……sometimes people can be so funny when they are trying to be serious. Kinda like Obama when he says Syria has crossed his red line. LOL!

    This is better than the funny papers.

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