Latest From The Arab Spring

The world’s richest country is using slave labor.

Dozens of Nepalese migrant labourers have died in Qatar in recent weeks and thousands more are enduring appalling labour abuses, a Guardian investigation has found, raising serious questions about Qatar’s preparations to host the 2022 World Cup.

This summer, Nepalese workers died at a rate of almost one a day in Qatar, many of them young men who had sudden heart attacks. The investigation found evidence to suggest that thousands of Nepalese, who make up the single largest group of labourers in Qatar, face exploitation and abuses that amount to modern-day slavery, as defined by the International Labour Organisation, during a building binge paving the way for 2022.

According to documents obtained from the Nepalese embassy in Doha, at least 44 workers died between 4 June and 8 August. More than half died of heart attacks, heart failure or workplace accidents.

The investigation also reveals:

 Evidence of forced labour on a huge World Cup infrastructure project.

• Some Nepalese men have alleged that they have not been paid for months and have had their salaries retained to stop them running away.

• Some workers on other sites say employers routinely confiscate passports and refuse to issue ID cards, in effect reducing them to the status of illegal aliens.

• Some labourers say they have been denied access to free drinking water in the desert heat.

• About 30 Nepalese sought refuge at their embassy in Doha to escape the brutal conditions of their employment.

Revealed: Qatar’s World Cup ‘slaves’ | Global development | The Guardian

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Latest From The Arab Spring

  1. scizzorbill says:

    When non muzzies work for muzzies, you can expect the worst.

  2. mike says:

    Slavery and death used to create the Qatar world cup, it needs to be stopped.

    At the end of the day there is not a single soccer fan who would support this brutality in the name of the beautiful game.

  3. kuhnkat says:

    Sharia is slavery institutionalized. Leftards rant about racist whites wanting to enslave blacks and ignore Islam which IS DOING IT!!

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