Latest From The Colorado Drought

ScreenHunter_484 Sep. 12 09.13 ScreenHunter_483 Sep. 12 09.12

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Latest From The Colorado Drought

  1. squid2112 says:

    And you know that “climate change” causes droughtfloods and forest fires

  2. Don B says:

    In adjacent Larimer County:

    Flash Flood Warning Flash Flood Warning – Larimer (Colorado)
    Updated: Thu 12-Sep-13 09:51am MDT
    Effective: Thu 12-Sep-13 09:51am MDT
    Expires: Thu 12-Sep-13 12:45pm MDT

    Severity: Severe
    Urgency: Immediate
    Certainty: Likely

  3. Matthew says:

    You aren’t that bright are you. It takes more than flash flooding to reverse a drought. The water actually has to get into the soil. A flash flood means the excess water runs off and goes somewhere else.

    Also, the drought has been eroding some in CO, but again, it doesn’t disappear overnight even if 20″ of rain fell. It can’t.

    Drought and soil moisture doesn’t work that way.

    • If you weren’t so brilliant, you might have known that Boulder had their snowiest and wettest spring on record, and a very wet summer.

      The reason it is flooding is because the soil is saturated, dumbass.

      • squid2112 says:

        You would think Matthew would have a clue just by looking at the picture. There certainly is a lot of green in that picture. Matthew, does green vegetation strike you as being particularly droughtful?

        To repeat to Matthew a particularly popular phrase … “dumbass

      • John B., M.D. says:

        Matthew missed all your photos of lush green vegetation over the last few months.

        I’m curious how the Drought Monitor algorithm works. Is it like a weighted avg over the past 2 years or something?

        • I think they factor in temperatures as well, John.

        • Shazaam says:

          Ah, that explains it.

          If the so-called “climatologists” are factoring in their “adjusted” temperature data sets, then it’s no wonder the drought index has no resemblance to reality.

          When the temperatures used to create the drought index have little resemblance to reality, the drought index will be just as accurate. I’ve been wondering why the drought indices haven’t moved in the face of so much precipitation this year.

          It’s because this year’s cool-heat is causing the flood-drought due to the rain-dust storms and all the models predicted this result in the spring of 2012.

    • R. Shearer says:

      In my 30+ years in Colorado, I’ve never seen a summer as wet or green. I’ve experienced drought. I know drought and this is not drought. Wells and reservoirs are full and have been for most of the season. That drought map is ridiculously in error.

    • Bob Greene says:

      Maybe Matthew ought to check how wet the ground got in Eastern NC in 1999 with 20+ inches of rain from Hurricane Floyd. The new city reservoir in Wilson, NC, filled overnight instead of the expected 5-10 years.

  4. Green Sand says:

    “NSIDC is closed today because of severe weather and flooding. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.”

  5. ntesdorf says:

    That is one of the wettest droughts that I have ever seen. In Australia we always have droughts, followed by floods, not the two of them at once. Perhaps this is a drought-flood caused by IPCC AR5 awareness.

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