Latest From The Religion Of Peace

An eight year-old child bride died in Yemen on her wedding night after suffering internal injuries due to sexual trauma. Human rights organizations are calling for the arrest of her husband, who was five times her age.

Al Nahar, Lebanon, reported that the death occurred in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia. This brings even more attention to the already existing issue of forced child marriages in the Middle East.

It is reported that over a quarter of Yemen’s young girls are married before the age of 15. Not only do they lose access to health and education, these child brides are commonly subjected to physical, emotional and sexual violence in their forced marriages.

8-year-old Yemeni child dies at hands of 40-year-old husband on wedding night | Al Bawaba

President Obama has been working hard to spread Islamic fundamentalism throughout the Middle East.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Latest From The Religion Of Peace

  1. EW3 says:

    There is a paranoia in the Islamic community about sex.
    They want virgins (both on earth and heaven) so the woman has no way to compare them to another male lover. Seems a bit insecure to me.

  2. Now we see why children should be armed.

  3. gofer says:

    There’s nothing low enough to compare these ignorant savages to as well as their demented religion

    • Islam, in practice, is obviously a marriage of unrestrained animal instincts with unquestionable (and totally false) dogma. Mohammed was the best example of this, rationalizing all of his selfish, evil acts on the fly, without regard even for his own previous religious injunctions and exhortations, and modern Muslims, especially in positions of power or authority, are nothing but lifelong rationalizers of any act they want to perform and can get away with (I see this in the Insane Left too, now, by the way, as in the passing of Obamacare–“we must pass it to see what is in it”). A related example is, of course, Obama, whose followers and rabid rationalizing defenders refuse to see him for what he really is, precisely the way Muslims (even after 1400 years of misery) refuse to see Mohammed for what he really was (the megalomaniac leader of a death cult).

  4. DEEBEE says:

    Much as one can share your repugnance for child marriages, it is a cultural and not a religious issue. Your conflation of the two – hopefully inadvertent or ignorant – allow others a platform to express their presumable Christian superiority. Such sort of garbage also happens in south east Asia and is agnostic of religion.

  5. johnbuk says:

    Here in the UK we’ve been told to “celebrate diversity” over the past few years. I’m looking forward to increased “celebration” in the coming years – should be fun.

    • I celebrated diversity on July 21, 2005 in London. As I walked to my gate at Heathrow, everyone was gathered around the TV watching the second attempted tube bombing in two weeks. I had gotten out of London shortly before they shut the trains down.

      • johnbuk says:

        Yep, the current discussion on what the Religion of Peace considers “de rigueur” in UK women’s fashions looks like something else to celebrate as well. We could be celebrating full time at this rate.
        PS Steven, I assume you’re somewhat distraught at the footie results today??

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