Leading US Democrats Advocating Violent Death Of Their Political Opponent’s Children

ScreenHunter_783 Sep. 20 22.00

UPDATED: Former Student Responds; Guth Suspended | KU Journalism Prof Defends Death-wish Tweets Directed at NRA Members’ Kids | NewsBusters

ScreenHunter_782 Sep. 20 21.56

ScreenHunter_784 Sep. 20 22.06

Communications Chair of Sacramento County Dems Wishes Death on Cruz Speechwriter’s Kids | National Review Online

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Leading US Democrats Advocating Violent Death Of Their Political Opponent’s Children

  1. Billy Liar says:

    Some people should ‘Step away from Twitter’.

  2. Mike D says:

    All he did was say publicly, what many progressives say in private.

  3. Justa Joe says:

    The Donk honcho’s tweet is illogical since the existence of Obamacare won’t prevent or cure any disease. It won’t change the probability of anyone getting a disease at least not in a beneficial way.

    However, The tweet does demonstrate the inherent impotent bitchiness that all Donk ‘males’ seem to possess. Keep in mind this Allan person is attacking a women and mother.

  4. minarchist says:

    This was the Communications Director for the largest Democratic Party in America.
    Every once in a while, the mask comes off, and we see the true face of the progressive.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    Something tells me Ol’ Obama won’t be calling to console Amanda like he did with Sandra F___k.

  6. reformedii says:

    Liberals advocate and actually promote the killing of everyone’s children

    Liberalism is a cancer that kills.

  7. gator69 says:

    They are starting by arresting parents for questioning their motives.


    This is no longer our country, it now belongs to the leftist aristocracy. Sit down and shut up or get put away.

  8. Mkelley says:

    Back from retirement, the great Don Surber:

    What do Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, Aurora, Newtown, Navy Yard, and now a park in Chicago share in common?

    They were all in gun-free zones.

    We need gun-free zones control.


  9. Doug_K says:

    The best retort to that comment is “May you live in a gun-free zone”. LOL

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