Logic Lesson For Progressives On Choom

Progressives tell us that :

Not all Muslims are terrorists

That is brilliant, because it would be a very bad thing if there were 1.6 billion suicide bombers in a world of 7 billion people.

A more interesting question is

What percentage of terrorists are Muslims?

Progressives are the same people who want to destroy the fossil fuel industry – if there is any chance that catastrophic global warming is real.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Logic Lesson For Progressives On Choom

  1. The Ol' Seadog. says:

    According to al Qu’ran, all Muslims must give support to Jihadists. Hide them, feed them , supply them with money and arms etc. In law, that’s called aiding and abetting…..

  2. Dbohm says:

    There is no way to tell how many terrorists are Muslims. National intelligence agencies have been caught red-handed carrying out terror attacks with the intent to blame ‘Islamist extremists’.

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