Lots More Permanent Drought Coming To The Southwest

Arizona has had many inches of permanent drought this summer, with lots more on the way this week.

ScreenHunter_347 Sep. 08 05.53

Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

The permanent drought officially began in July, 2011

ScreenHunter_348 Sep. 08 05.56

Dust Storm Marks Beginning of Southwest’s “Permanent Drought” | The Energy Collective

And was marked by record rainfall in July, 2013

ScreenHunter_349 Sep. 08 05.58

Flagstaff ties record set in 1919 for wettest July

Climate alarmists may be complete morons, but they are saving the planet from imaginary toxic gases.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Lots More Permanent Drought Coming To The Southwest

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    Just like Paul Ehrlich, these guys can be fantastically, unbelievably wrong and never get called on it and continue to influence policy, etc.

  2. GregO says:

    Rained again this morning in Phoenix – it’s been a mild summer and the rain has been welcome.


    Predictions of a Southwest permanent drought have been wrong and worse, made by charlatans, liars, traitors. Amazing they still have media credibility. Whores. All of them.

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