Marines Had No Ammunition At The DC Navy Base

Marines could have stopped yesterday’s shooting, but the soldiers were not allowed to have ammunition.


So Homeland Security has 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, but the Marines have none. In case you had forgotten that the US is being run by complete lunatics.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Marines Had No Ammunition At The DC Navy Base

  1. Kaboom says:

    Well the yard is located in D.C. … you can imagine that congress doesn’t want heavily armed citizens on their doorstep that could just decide, you know, to march over and reboot the whole little cabal.

  2. David says:

    Humm? but Mexican Cartels., and Islamist get both guns and ammo. Its a funny old world.

  3. johncoyote says:

    When I served. I was put on guard duty in the middle east. I was given 6 bullets. I didn’t understand why so few. No excuse for the Marines not to have live rounds. World is dangerous and Soldiers must have the tools to stop the bad people. Thank you for the story.

  4. gator69 says:

    Shades of Beirut…

    “Until 23 October 1983, the ROE specifically stated that:

    When on post or mobile or foot patrol, keep a loaded magazine in the weapon. Weapons will be on safe, with no rounds in the chamber.
    Do not chamber a round unless instructed to do so by a commissioned officer unless you must act in immediate self-defense where deadly force is authorized.
    Keep ammunition for crew-served weapons readily available but not loaded in the weapon. Weapons will be on safe at all times.
    The perimeter guards at the BLT building on the morning of 23 October were in full compliance with these rules and were unable to shoot fast enough to disable or stop the bomber.”

    No, we still have not learned the lesson.

    • gofer says:

      One of the comments on the article.

      “A friend was there.Was put under arrest then dishonorably discharged after being caught with round in chamber.He’s still pissed off at his commander.Don’t blame him! “

  5. matayaya says:

    I’m sure when all is said and done it will be shown there is no there there. You will just move on to the next conspiracy theory and convienently forget about your flawed premise.

    • gator69 says:

      Just as you are sure CO2 is a bad thing. Based upon zero knowledge.

      • matayaya says:

        Actually, I hope to learn more about CO2. I see that it is the central point of the whole argument. It is not university like you, but I will soon be taking an online course of climate science. I recognize there is a lot I don’t know. That is the nature of education, the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know. If you haven’t learned that, you become an absolutist, irelevant to useful discussion.

        • gator69 says:

          What part of ‘over thirty years’ do you not get? I thought you came here to learn, but now it appears you are unwilling to learn anything that does not fit your agenda.

          Got religion? 😆

          PS – What online site will you be viewing?

  6. Sundance says:

    This tragedy could have been averted if Joe Biden had fired his shotgun into the air.

  7. minarchist says:

    Under current policy guidelines, the US military has only limited access to firearms and ammunition. The IRS, DHS and EPA, certain Mexican drug cartels and / or friendly Islamist organizations, however, have been granted unlimited availability in keeping with long-range democrat administration goals and objectives.

    • Shazaam says:

      One of Slick Willie’s enduring legacies. The no guns and no ammo in the hands of trained soldiers on US military bases was a policy enacted in conjunction with the “free-fire” / gun free zones in schools and public buildings.

      I guess ol’ Slick can claim that policy is still paying dividends….. If you can call dead bodies a “dividend”, like a progressive Democrat does. Always a new crisis to take advantage of with such policies in place.

  8. Robertv says:

    The board that oversees the U.S. Capitol Police has opened an investigation into whether a tactical team of officers that was one of the first on the scene during the Washington Navy Yard shooting was ordered to stand down.

  9. R. de Haan says:

    TOTAL LUNATICS. This is mind boggling. First they took the guns from the pilots and now they took the bullets from the Marines? I smell a very big fat rat here.

    I am finished with all this bull shit. Go fishing.

  10. Steve Larzus says:

    As a Marine I stood guard duty in the 70’s at a base that guarded nuclear weapons. I was only allowed 5 rounds for my .45 and was not authorized to load it unless it was needed. I always loaded it as soon as the guard truck left… and had more than the official 5 rounds.
    I guarantee right before those 300 Marines died in Lebanon the Marines at the gate were frantically trying to load their 5 rounds also. Get real or die America!!! There are people out here trying to kill you.

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