McKibben Math : Five Is Greater Than 1,200

ScreenHunter_642 Sep. 16 15.07

ScreenHunter_643 Sep. 16 15.08

Twitter / billmckibben: Powerful link between climate …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to McKibben Math : Five Is Greater Than 1,200

  1. Jason Calley says:

    And why would Bill McKibben even think to include human deaths in his thought processes? Isn’t it enough that perhaps. maybe, conceivably, some poley bear in a zoo somewhere in Colorado was inconvenienced? Isn’t that possibility more important than mere human life?

  2. It was very windy at my place last night and one of my pieces of garden furniture blew over. I classify this as a twice in a year event. However, it shifted and blew over in such a way that it knocked over a large pot plant. Considering the original distance from the garden furniture to the pot plant I’d probably classify this as a 1 in 100 year event. Possibly if I email Bill he could sexy it up and attribute it to extreme weather.

  3. The keep pushing their narrative.

  4. DGP says:

    McKibben sure is a frequent twatter.

  5. Okie says:

    Everyone knows gun owners fired in the air and punctured the clouds, which caused the flooding.

  6. tom0mason says:

    The twittering twits tweeted and once twits tweet they move on to tweet again, and again, and again,…

  7. gator69 says:

    I’m sure he would notice the difference if his funding were as greatly reduced.

  8. gofer says:

    So what’s the “POWERFUL” link? I bet it comes with “multiple lines of evidence” and is very “robust”.

  9. PhilJourdan says:

    97% is a magic number. So apparently is 5.

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