NOAA Desperate To Name A Hurricane

Humberto is looking pretty lame, but NOAA wants a hurricane before Sept. 11.

You know how the routine works with NOAA.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to NOAA Desperate To Name A Hurricane

  1. EW3 says:

    As of 8PM EDT they still have it listed as a tropical storm….

  2. D. Self says:

    Yep! They are loosing sleep over this….

  3. Gina says:

    If it becomes a hurricane a few hours short of the record, it will give the media excuse and cover not to report it. And the alarmists certainly do not want this reported. So every ounce of subjectivity will be bent toward a quick upgrade, I’m sure.

    How long at a speed makes for “sustained” winds at that speed? Is that documented, does anyone know?

  4. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    CNN is just itching to launch a full court “STORM WATCH!!!”.

    They are desperate to get their ratings juiced.

  5. TomC says:

    So far it’s still sputtering along. Looking more and more ragged as the relatively cooler waters of the east Atlantic combined with the dry air still persisting north of the cyclone coming into play.

    If it somehow makes a hurricane I’ll almost be surprised. Dvorak #’s simply aren’t increasing and the only thing that could possibly foment an upgrade would be the development of a persistent eye.

  6. Gamecock says:

    They’ve got their hurricane:

    At 992 mb, it ain’t much of one. In fact, the difference between it being a tropical storm is 2 mph, probably well within the margin of error for measuring its wind speed. Surely they wouldn’t fudge 2 mph? YEP, THEY SURE WOULD !!!

  7. Back to a tropical storm within three days…

  8. Lance says:

    Press Release: Fish in danger as first thunderstorm of the season builds off the coast of Africa. NOAA asks the fish to evacuatethe area…..

  9. darrylb says:

    It is interesting that the AMO has been in its warm phase and the PDO in its cool phase.
    Both conditions are favorable to forming hurricanes and yet w e have been in a hurricane drought.
    Everybody should be happy about that! Right?

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