Looks like George is off his meds again.
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Ah, Moonbat’s filthy leftist agenda exposed by his his fear of the return of the centre-left Abbot government. He doesn’t seem to realise, being the plonker he is, Abbot is not going to sweep aside the tax.
Welcome back George. We’ve all missed you. Where have you been? On a jet setting holiday perhaps?
Doesn’t M. know about Chicken Little? And given what happened to the Met Office (ie, UKs weather service), isn’t its descent into ridicule and mockery obvious to him?
How can a Greenie remain so oblivious? So clueless?
Monbiot is a major idiot. Whatever will he say when Abbott sweeps away the CO2 tax?
If he wants Ayers Rock rubbed away, he will have to come over himself with a large stack of sandpaper and an angle-grinder.
The idiots keep on moaning about how “development”, like dredging for a coal terminal in Mackay, will kill the Great Barrier Reef.
The Reef is over 100kms east of the Australian mainland at that point. It’s like saying that dredging in Key West, Florida would affect the water quality in Cuba.
You truly have to be either an ignorant moron, or a carpet-bagger to be a modern greenie.
Sidebar: I like the label “comment is free”. But all comments not in compliance with big brother will be deleted.
Quote: Tony Abbotts policies are about removing the social and environmental protections enjoyed by all Australians.
This from an Englishman who thinks that Australia is still a colony.
Tony Abbott’s party has just released their economic manifesto. Billions of dollars will be removed from Green and climate change manifesto that the KRudd/Gillard/KRudd government brought in under collaboration with the Greens
Part of the savings will be the axing of funds promised at International climate change junkets. – Redistribution of wealth funds.
e.g. Here’s a quote from BoltA
MILLIONS of dollars in taxpayer-funded grants for obscure research projects – such as the role of public art in climate change – will be scrapped or redirected to find cures for dementia and other diseases as part of a Coalition crackdown on government waste.
If enjoying public art for climate change is better than finding a cure for my mother in law’s Alzheimer’s then MonBott is seriously ill.
What do you mean, if? The conclusion is true, so it follows from ANY premise.
Good to hear from the Head Moonbat. We all need some laughs these days and he is one who can deliver.