Mutual Assured Intellectual Destruction

Here in the US, we were taught that Soviets were evil imperialists who wanted to take over the US.

In the Soviet Union, people were taught that Americans were evil imperialists who wanted to take over the Soviet Union.

Until we get rid of idiot leaders like Barack Obama who are constantly trying to score political points by spreading fear, division, and mistrust – things are not going to get better.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Mutual Assured Intellectual Destruction

  1. SteveO says:

    I wonder what they learned growing up in Kenya?

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Is there a countdown clock to the next Presidential Election? I guess there is about 1100 days of Obummer to go till US emancipation.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    Everywhere you look voter number are in decline. just like the social political, historic and economic awareness of the masses. They escape their responsibilities.

    “People will always elect the government they deserve”?

    The statement is often quoted as “In a democracy, people get the government they deserve,” and often attributed to Alexis de Toqueville … but it’s hard to verify where he said it, and even whether he really did.

    However, there is a similar and well-documented quotation by Joseph de Maistre: “Every country has the government it deserves (Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite”) One of the sources below gives its origin as de Maistre’s
    Lettres et Opuscules Inédits vol. 1, letter 53, written on 15 August 1811 and published in 1851.

    Everybody likes to quote de Toqueville, & not that many ever heard of de Maistre. I suspect de Maistre is the real origin. Of course, it’s possible de Toqueville said it, in quoting or paraphrasing de Maistre.

    But I doubt that de Toqueville said it, simply because it doesn’t sound like him. The tone of the remark is sarcastic or cynical, and de Toqueville’s writings weren’t like that. It wasn’t his style.

  4. darrylb says:

    The president did not even mention Benghazi on the anniversary of the attack on our sovereign soil. Simply a little recognition to honor the dead and the survivors was very much in order.
    He simply wants all remembrance of it to go away.
    Perhaps I am writing on the wrong thread, but I just do not want the need for the full disclosure of this to be diminished.

  5. Tel says:

    Until we get rid of idiot leaders like Barack Obama who are constantly trying to score political points…

    That does narrow the field a bit.

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