My Longmont House Is About To Flood

Before moving to Fort Collins, we lived in Longmont, Colorado for 11 years (with a few intermittent stints in California.) Our house was one block from Left Hand Creek, and our youngest child was born there.

Longmont police officers went door-to-door in parts of Southmoor Park near Left Hand Creek this morning, telling residents to be prepared to evacuate.

Longmont tells Southmoor Park residents: Be ready to evacuate – Longmont Times-Call

We moved in right after the 1995 flood, but that one wasn’t as bad as the current flood. This is the park across the street

ScreenHunter_485 Sep. 12 10.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to My Longmont House Is About To Flood

  1. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    so that is what a drought looks like. Curious, I thought it would look, you know, drier.

    I guess he is using the umbrella to save his skin from the scorching sun’s rays.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    My father said “Dry weather will scare you, wet weather will kill you.”

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