No Mention Of Decayed Ice From The Rowers

Odd that the rowers didn’t see any of David Barber’s decayed ice in the Arctic.  All that they saw was the regular kind of ice, which almost capsized their boat.

Perhaps David Barber could weigh in and explain where all the thin, rotten, decayed ice is located?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to No Mention Of Decayed Ice From The Rowers

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    David “Blow Torch” Barber?

    • Gerald Machnee says:

      Can you locates the CCGS Amundsen? Barber may be on it. It only gives the location as Northwest passage. Need to download a tracking program unless they have the transmitter off.

  2. SMS says:

    Did Roald Amundsen quit? Hell no!!!! And think about this……………these “Mainstream First” boys are rowing in the worst decayed ice in the history of Arctic ice (not my interpretation – the interpretation of EXPERTS!). Worst ice in…in…in…………like a kazillion years. If you interpret the message of the ice experts/warmists, Amundsen must have been rowing for three years on solid ice over one hundred years ago. Ya gotta give it to Amundsen, even solid ice didn’t stop him. He must have been sawing his way through the ice mile after mile to get through the NW Passage.

    These “Mainstream” boys are just quiche eating, bugger eating, spastics compared Roald.

  3. R2Dtoo says:

    I found the decayed ice! Its below 2000′ in the ocean next to the missing heat.

  4. Don says:

    It was in my scotch on the rocks.

  5. gator69 says:

    “Perhaps David Barber could weigh in and explain where all the thin, rotten, decayed ice is located?”

    Between his ears.

  6. Anto says:

    They are liars, frauds and criminals. For example, in the latest post, just a couple of paragraphs apart, you find the following:
    “At many Eastern places of NWP locals have not seen this type ice conditions. Residents of Resolute say 20 years have not seen anything like. Its, ice, ice and more ice.”

    “Our message remains unaffected though, bringing awareness to the pressing issues of climate change in the arctic.”

    Only a shyster and conman could possibly write those two things in the same post.

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