The bloated satellite sea level numbers are based on the theory that a huge mountain of water is piling up at one spot in the bathtub.
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I think you found the missing heat Steve Expanding the water..
Funny how that mountain of sea level is attracted to the country with largest Carbon Taxes. Australia..
Australia has been warm the entire year, what is interesting because good part of the SH has been similar or even colder than 2012, like Antarctica and S. America for example.
It’s an “island of heat” in that region of the Pacific that has stayed there for many months and was not there in 2012,
or the “blue version”
The connection with “sea level” is the temperature. In the following link
we find,
“… during La Niña, the Pacific sea-surface height is higher (warmer) than normal West of the basin, while it is lower East stretching to the central Pacific Ocean… “
They probably use some phenomenological algorithm to calculate the thermodynamic expansion of the ocean from the heat content.
I don’t know how much meaningful this is in “reality”, I mean how meaningful is a 1 mm rise or fall in the sea level of a huge amount of water as the Pacific ocean for example? I don’t know the answer.
It’s the tides dude. The earth is spinning counterclockwise and the water is moving from the east Pacific to the west Pacific where all the coral reefs in Indonesia slow down its return. That’s why the east pacific has all that blue. It’s something that nobody would have guessed in a million years but there it is. I think it’s too cool for school.
Not only the tide (inertial movement) but also the heat content. ENSO, PDO, etc. are supposed to add (a few millimeters!) to the inertial movement associate with the tides.
Any tide gauges to check?
I’m still flabbergasted that the alarmists use this chart. Alarmists are physics deniers!!!
There is no way they are qualified scientists. Newton is rolling in his grave.
All real physicists must be saying WTF!
That’s why the Antarctic is growing bigger, that water simply slides gently downhill and accumulates at the South Pole.
Darwin tidal gauge shows a 20 cm sea level rise since 1993:
as does Groote Eylandt:
and Lombrum:
These are all in the red area on the map:
The satellites are calibrated to the tidal gauges according to the website:
What is the explanation for sea level rise to be more in this region of the world?
And they seem to have more gravity there too (Is gravity causing the land to sink?):
on this search:
But sea level rise not less around India where gravity is weaker.
“What is the explanation for sea level rise to be more in this region of the world?…. But sea level rise not less around India where gravity is weaker.”
I don’t know the answer, but I guess that temperatures play an important role to define these trends. But even considering temperatures, the picture is not clear in my mind.
I don’t understand how the same ocean (the Pacific for example) may have increasing tides on the West side while the East side they are decreasing.
It’s the same mass of water and all parts of any container of water tend to level after some time, isn’t it true?
I don’t understand it, because Earth ‘s gravity is supposed to be quite homogeneous with very tiny little oscillations due to geological features of the various regions, but what the following graph is showing is a steady trend to increasing tides/sea-level since 1993,
During the 1980’s and 90’s it could be argued that increasing temperatures were causing it, but in this century everybody knows that the trend in temperatures changed to slightly negative in the recent years.
Then, I’d expect some indication of this oscillation of the trend, at the least in recent times, but I see none.
My question is, how much of this trend is a consequence of “the models” and how much is real life raw measurement, of tides or temperatures?
Also, the following graph with data from ENVISAT
shows a flat period from 2003 and 2008 with zero (average) increase of sea level, while the graph from NOAA,
shows no such period.
What data is correct?
I already answered your question. The tide from the moon pulls the pacific ocean water to the west as the earth rotates to the east, and the shallow seas of indonesia have enough friction to slow the return of the water to the deeper part of the ocean where the water can move more freely. If that’s not obvious then I don’t know what is.
So you are suggesting that the Earth’s rotation has changed over the last twenty years?
Sounds like Obama “common sense” logic.
OK it’s not gravity then. I got another theory. I think it’s changes in el nino. Usually the Pacific wind whips across the equator east to west, sometimes is gets all the way to Indonesia, but sometimes it doesn’t and you get an El Nino. So compare 1993 to 2013 and one year had an el nino and one didn’t, and all the years in between don’t matter. I’ll work on my theory.
This from Wikipedia “The period 1990–1994 was unusual in that El Niños have rarely occurred in such rapid succession.” So there you are. Trade winds are blowing water over to Indonesia in 2013, but weren’t in 1993 because of El Nino. Problem solved. Whew.
Tides are due to (local) gravity, but (local) gravity in the various places where tides are measured has not changed appreciably in the last 2 decades, then the cause must be something else.
john, the majority of tide gauges show no sea level rise, or show sea levels falling
OK, local oscillation of gravity, but enough to explain the trend for 2 decades in a row?
You’d have to keep putting *new mountains* under the oceans in those regions continuously, is this true?
it’s not really a trend…it’s an anomaly
and it’s not oscillating…mountains concentrate gravity, it’s steady..and that makes a steady anomaly
OK, thanks for the input.
I guess I have to check about undersea volcanoes to have a better idea of where and how much these new mountains are being formed.
The variation of ice in large glaciers would also be a factor to increase or decrease SL, but in this case I would expect colder periods to have less variation (including negative ones) than notoriously hot times like the 1990’s, even if you consider a lag between the warming up/cooling of the climate and it’s effects on ice thickness.
In this respect I find the graph from NOAA
very misleading as I cannot see how the SLR could be as linear as they depict there, it rather looks like that “data” is just another sub-product of their “models”. OTOH, the data of ENVISAT,
which looks more like raw observed data to me.
I’d appreciate if you can give us any more information or references.
I’m more worried about the water missing in the pacific. Based on a linear trend that ocean basin will be empty in a few billion years.
Like virtually everything else in the West science has become farce. Or: Show me the money.
Good news for the Irish water skiers
they are turning it into a theme park…
oif course it’s impossible
Someone pulled the plug on California:
Of course, it could be that the areas showing red were below normal in 1993 and those showing blue were above, and now they are back to normal.
Pick one little red hillock of water (eg the one just off Sydney, Australia) and ask yourself – ‘what’s keeping that little hill of water in the same spot?’
Did NOAA forget to correct for the inverse barometer?
sea floor volcanoes….they show up on the gravity maps
Would be a reasonable explanation to keep continuous thermal expansion, but it’s hard to believe that all that red area in the Pacific is being warmed by undersea volcanoes.
not warmed…gravity….sea floor mountains and volcanoes have gravity that holds the water on top of them
There’s been a lot of tectonic activity in the red areas in the last decade
The Bathtub SLOSHES!!!
Al Gore jumped in the Bathtub in Hawaii causing a massive Tsunami to hit the western Pacific.