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He has managed to get the spotlight of the NSA, IRS, Fast and Furious, etc etc etc…
Actually John, I found this article a bit more interesting, and puzzling (Al Gore at Work: $8.7 Billion to ‘Repair Sound Barrier’?).
Seriously? .. Do these idiots not realize that there are hundreds (if not thousands) of objects that enter our atmosphere every day traveling at many times the speed of sound (ie: breaking the sound barrier)? This has to be right up near the top of the list of the most stupid ideas ever conceived. Just when I thought scientists (charlatans) could not be any dumber, we get this. Just … wow!
Hehehe …
Thought I would lighten the day … 🙂
good gotcha! Had me fooled for a few until I read the last PGPH 😉 on top of that I hadn’t yet seen the follow up comments. One of the first things I thought was: what about lightning? …then, Fireworks, bullets, etc. the tip off was “That position in the sky (at Latitude 35.9318095, Longitude -116.2278577and Altitude 45,214 feet), known to pilots as the “Yeager rip” can still be felt as turbulence when a plane passes through it.” LOL
It’s the sort of thing one would expect from the ALGOR.
DId you read the last paragraph of the article?
Sounds like something coming from The Onion.
Ah, I see you did.
I would expect Hank Johnson to say something like that, though.
Yeah, caught me right at first, but then I got the gist .. I thought it was funny. It seems to me though, not too many years ago there was some sort of concern over this very thing. Perhaps that is why it caught my eye. Unless of course that was satire as well and I just didn’t get it then.
Have a great Friday! .. 🙂
I was worried Obama might speak on Monday and pre-empt Monday Night Football.
I hope he does, then maybe he will go the way of Heide.
No, no, no,, this isn’t a war, it’s simply a few missles humming along quite nicely.
There’s no plan for a regime change, just a little patty cake, patty cake fun.
Never mind the fact that once we launch, retaliation will begin an era of a rather large WAR!
If the House votes no on Monday then his speech is useless. The original time for the vote was the 9th.
It’s not just the Saudis. The Qataris will also help fund the American mercenary effort in Syria.