Obama Arms The Muslim Brotherhood And Talks To Iran, While He Disarms Americans And Refuses To Talk To Republicans, Climate Skeptics, People Who Support The Constitution, People Who Support A Balanced Budget, People Who Seek Integrity In Government …


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Obama Arms The Muslim Brotherhood And Talks To Iran, While He Disarms Americans And Refuses To Talk To Republicans, Climate Skeptics, People Who Support The Constitution, People Who Support A Balanced Budget, People Who Seek Integrity In Government …

  1. Pathway says:

    Fascist do what fascist do.

  2. phodges says:

    Our government asserts the right to kidnap and murder you, and supports Al Qaeda.

    Yet those who insist on the rule of law are called the terrorists.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Rush Limbaugh says go ahead with Obamacare. The best hope is that it all collapses and then Republicans take over. The only problem with that is when Republicans were last in control, they didn’t do much better. You need not just a Republican but the right kind of Republican.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Talks with Iran ah, I’ll bet these talks won’t last long.
    No sane people allow their leaders to open negotiations with Obama about anything.

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