Obama Launches His War On Natural Gas

Obama is working hard to kill coal, and now is launching his war against natural gas.

President Obama’s pick to run the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, under fire from Republicans, on Tuesday sought to clarify his controversial claim that natural gas will eventually be a “dead end.”

Obama energy nominee takes heat in Senate for ‘dead end’ remark – The Hill’s E2-Wire

The US is run by complete lunatics.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Obama Launches His War On Natural Gas

  1. Not lunatics, just by a not very bright person who seems to be appointing people who think like he does.

  2. Don says:

    The Enemy Within.

  3. n tesdorfn says:

    Natural gas will not be a “dead end.” However O’Bumbler is already a noticeable ”
    dead end”.

  4. Jimmy Haigh says:

    This is what happens in Democracies when more than half of the electorate are idiots.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    We have much more loonier lunatics in Australia than the USA has. This woman was a Senator. She is still alive, having spent some time behind bars for fraud.

  6. sailor1031 says:

    Dead end? Yeah – eventually; like all fossil fuels. Either reserves will be exhausted or the price of extraction will become too high. The question is when?

  7. Obama will “dead end” long before natural gas, thankfully.

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