Obama Makes His Move Into Child Snuff Porn

Obama is trying to get support for starting WWIII by releasing pictures of Syrian children convulsing on the floor. It isn’t clear if they convulse differently from Al Qaeda gas as they do from Assad gas.

As long as he is doing that, he should also start releasing autopsy photos of all the children his Chicago and New York sons have been snuffing out.

ScreenHunter_340 Sep. 07 23.57

ScreenHunter_341 Sep. 08 00.01

Jonylah Watkins with her father. Fatally shot in broad daylight by a drive-by shooter while he was changing her diaper.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Obama Makes His Move Into Child Snuff Porn

  1. jack b :-) says:

    But, but… well, okay.

    I got nuthin’

  2. Don says:

    Syrians killing Syrians. We need to kill ourselves some Syrians in order to stop them killing each other as we are the only ones that ought to be permitted to kill Syrians.

    I note how Pope Francis asked for a day of fasting and prayer and how the rabid liberal media turned on him over that. So the rabid liberal media wants to teach Syrians a lesson that only the most super-fabulous nation in history can kill people.

  3. nomoregore says:

    Deadly gas bad – I think everybody’s already on the same page with this.

    Whodunnit? (and why) – This is a bigger question

    What exactly is he proposing to do about it? (and what will this accomplish?)
    – Perhaps the biggest question.

    Seems to me the gassing was (likely) a set up.

  4. omnologos says:

    is there a tally of children killed by Obama’s drones? maybe they didn’t convulse /sarc

  5. Chewer says:

    Who knew Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were such war mongers.
    Egad, the liberals with principals have shown their true colors.
    those War Heads (Oops, missiles) that launch now leave nice rainbow condensation trails, so they are truly, the good kind of missiles-:)

  6. R. de Haan says:

    They not only shoot children: 107 year old shot by SWATT Team: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/09/08/justice/arkansas-107-year-old-man-death/index.html

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