Obama Sad That it Is Getting Harder To Drone People

ScreenHunter_253 Sep. 05 12.34

Just a few months ago I was able to blow up anyone I wanted to, and now that damn Snowden guy messed everything up for me.

Nobel Peace Prize winners just don’t get the same respect they did when Yasser Arafat got his.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Sad That it Is Getting Harder To Drone People

    • DGP says:

      I live in New Orleans and that stuff happens every week. This past weekend an 11 year old girl was killed when several gunmen sprayed a house full of children.
      The worst was this year’s Mothers Day Massacre. Two brothers fired on a crowd of people watching a parade and injured over 20 people. For one 10 year old boy injured that day, it was the second time he had been injured by gunfire in the past year. Also, his father was murdered several months before.
      New Orleans is a death trap, but strangely only for black people.

  1. Wyguy says:

    OMG, I knew Putin would kick sand in Obama’s face and steal his girl. Obama is way too far out of his league.

  2. Gamecock says:

    Obama is telling us that the United States is a force for good in the world. Wait . . . what?

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