Obama Says That Putin Doesn’t Support Al Qaeda, Blame Everything On White People, Use The IRS To Harass Political Opponents, Lie About Everything, Treat The American People Like They Are Idiots, And Tell Global Warming Deniers To Shut Up

“I don’t think that Mr. Putin has the same values that we do,” Obama said in response to Putin’s controversial op-ed.

Obama Rejects Criticism of Shifting Syria Policy: ‘I’m Less Concerned About Style Points’ – ABC News

Hopefully I will never meet anyone who shares Obama’s complete lack of any commendable values. And who is he referring to when he says “we?”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Obama Says That Putin Doesn’t Support Al Qaeda, Blame Everything On White People, Use The IRS To Harass Political Opponents, Lie About Everything, Treat The American People Like They Are Idiots, And Tell Global Warming Deniers To Shut Up

  1. Larry Fields says:

    Obama said, “… the same values that we do …”

    Hey Barry,
    Who is this “we” that you’re talking about? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?

    Given a choice between Putin’s values and your ‘values’ in a U.S. president, I’d take Putin’s any day of the week. Sociopaths like you do not have any values beyond self-indulgence.

  2. The Insane Left. How many times do I have to tell everybody? You all should know this; it WILL be on the final.

  3. gator69 says:

    What ‘value’? Zero is a place holder, and worth nothing. But then again, I am devaluing zero, by comparison it to this POS. Damn, there I go again, insulting sh*t.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Just some postings I thought were interesting enough to share with you:

    From Seablogger: 7man says:
    September 14, 2013 at 7:18 pm
    If you really want to know what is going on…



    From Seablogger: 7man says:
    September 15, 2013 at 8:41 am

    People are not paying attention.

    It is all about power and money. Just wait until what happened in Cyprus and what happened in Poland happens in the US. Watch Japan in the next 2 months, since that is the precursor to financial SHTF in North America.

    “Look for a gold to drop to the range above [$1180-$1270], look for silver to drop to the $18-$20 oz range and look for the dollar to go up. Again this is for the VERY SHORT Term. You can not run these tactics in the face of a dwindling supply. This is a last ditch play by the banksters, a hail mary since the Syria invasion blew up in their face. Time is short and conflict is soon and coming.

  5. Bob Koss says:

    Due to latest stunning performance by Obama and Kerry, consideration is being given to replacing “Hail to the Chief” with more appropriate music. Hopefully the change will be in place prior to Obama’s next SOTU speech. Here is the leading contender.

    Perhaps if some adventurous soul starts a petition this could quickly be accomplished.

  6. Ivan says:

    “…we do.”
    The majestic plural (pluralis maiestatis in Latin, literally, “the plural of majesty”), is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a single person holding a high office, such as a monarch, bishop, or pope.

  7. watcher says:

    Truth? Obama?. A Radical change in America. Yes but not to help Americans. All other statements comments etc are whatever he needs to accomplish is goal of destruction. At the time.
    Kerry is a Perfect match as was Hillary. Not one of the Three. Has EVER let the truth stand in the way of their Desires.
    Unions their backbone are now feeling the pinch but never fear. They The rank and file are to STUPID to do anything about it. Follow the leader is all they ever did. They know nothing else. They are living mental robots.

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