If you’re pumping more than your legal limit of CO2 into the sky, well then, you sir, are a criminal.
Report: Obama aims to ‘criminalize’ CO2 emissions | JunkScience.com
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Impeach the fool.
Will a new elected party be able to scrap any CO2 laws, similar to what Australia did?
Why Obama allowed bailouts without indictments:
All the pieces of the puzzle come together.
It’s them or us. Arm yourself and prepare for battle.
Do we classify this as Obamanomics or Obamascience?
Either way, industrial grade stupid.
And just in time for AR5 🙂
Don’t be ridiculous. Only Republican breathing will be banned.
Lead by example, dear leader.
Uh,oh,we are hooped up here in Land of the Great White. Wait until Obama gets word that our government actually endorses and teaches people how to make their own CO2!
Barry is going to unfriend us.
Do we have a new Climategate? .. They are calling this Climategate II, but I don’t think this is the same as what we have referred to as “Climategate II” with the release of emails from the last batch of Climategate I info (the FOIA zip file). It appears, as reported by the AP, that they have been sent a batch of emails concerning the latest AR5 report, and how scientists are trying to downplay the “pause” in warming over the past 15 years. Don’t know if this is new news to people here, but I thought I would post:
Climategate II: Scientists pushed to hide data
Reblogged this on CACA and commented:
“If our changing climate goes unchecked, it will have devastating impacts on the United States and the planet.” – Gina McCarthy
No doubt Obama’s EPA is busy preparing a class action against ‘Gaia’ for fumes against humanity #ScienceSaysSo » http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921818113000891
You would think with all their usage of the words “could”, “maybe”, “possibility”, etc., they could muster just enough integrity to say “it’s a possibility we could be wrong”. I don’t think I’ve hear a single one of them even suggest it.
I guess he couldn’t possibly mean that anyone with CO2 emissions less than him should be arrested. So basically how many people in this earth has larger carbon footprints than him?
Al Gore, Bill Gates, few third world dictators. Which of them is he going to arrest? I guess Syria’s al-Assad has a quite a large carbon footprint? It this the next reason for war they are going to use?
What about all of the Democrat sponsored pot smokers? Do they get a waiver?
Maybe this will lead to the banning of all politicians. Too much hot air CO2 coming out of them.
The biggest source of uselessly used CO2 in USA emanate from the UN buildings. They should be first to have CO2 restrictions on them.